Thursday, 20 October 2011

The difference between love and hate...

is the amount of effort to shoot down an argument of a left-winger.


I love people like Tony Benn. As Matthew Paris once said - and I'm paraphrasing slightly - "He's a politician of unquestionable intelligence and integrity. However, just about everything he's ever said is wrong."
I hate people like Bob Crow. As Matthew Paris did almost certainly not say (but I'm willing to bet he's thought it) "He's one of the most odious, greedy and hypocritical cunts ever to be born in the UK. Please put him in charge for a day so the public will be clamouring for Thatcher's return."

I've put the difference into an equation:

Gentleman + Idiocy = Friendly duffer
Scum + Idiocy = Twat (and I mean that in the literal sense; a smelly, sweaty hole)

I've just seen someone - probably the kind of slack-brained fuck-jaws currently encamped by St Paul's - use the phrase "take the money out of politics".
What I've done is to take that phrase and feed it into our patented 'stupid-o-meter' - and here are the results...

Congratulations! You're a twat of the first order. Help yourself to a razor and put yourself out of our misery.

Let's take a moment to analyse that statement. "Take the money out of politics". Er, do you mean the front end or the back end? Not that it really matters - both ideas are, to quote Aristotle, "ramblings of a fucking bell-end."

First things fucking first - the front end:

You pay MPs pittance and soon no fucker can afford to stand - apart, of course, from the very rich, or trade union puppets. Suddenly your golden image of democracy isn't so fucking shiny is it? No, of course MPs should not get so much that the money is a direct incentive to seek election - but it shouldn't be a disincentive either.

Remember also that polarised forces tend to result in extreme consequences - the last time Europe had such adversarial forces at work, we ended up having two fucking world wars. [Not that I give a shit - if my call-up papers came tomorrow I'd do my duty like a man, not hide in the shadows like a whining bitch.]

And now, the back end.

The primary role of government - above health, education, policing, infrastructure - is to defend the nation from attack from a foreign aggressor. If you can't do that, you don't have a nation. The requires money, which forms the second role of government - taxation.

QED, money plays a pretty fucking significant part in this whole scheme. Take it away and suddenly all you're left with is a massive group of tent-dwelling cunts filling our capital with their utterly ill-conceived nonsense.

The thing that bugs me most is that these people fail to understand that, despite the problems we're currently going through, this is still the best time to live in history. Anyone who hankers after a golden age where nothing bad ever happens needs to take off the rose-tinted fucking lenses.

In 2011 you're less likely to die before the age of 5 than your ancestors of a century ago. You're more likely to have access to clean water, food, education, the protection of the law. You're more likely to have the right to protest in relative peace and practice your religion free from persecution. (Unless you happen to be a Jew living in a Muslim country. Good luck getting the support of the left on that set of double-fucking standards)

As I've shown in this post, any fucker can whinge. If you really want to change the world, get off your stoned fucking ass and do it.