Monday, 31 October 2011

Bridget Jones is a cunt. Discuss.

ITV put Bridget Jones II on the other night (for what must have been at least the third time this year) and I came to a conclusion that should be inescapable, yet had not occurred to me over the past seven years:

Bridget Jones doesn't deserve the happy ending.

Why? Well, let's see:

  • She's so stupid that she's known in PR circles for being stupid. This surely makes her one of the densest human beings in existence.
  • She's wracked with insecurities entirely of her own making. "Oh no, I'm so fat - if only I could put down this fork and get my saggy ass on a treadmill". Boo fucking hoo, get over yourself you stupid whore.
  • Her friends really are totally and utterly awful; emotional wrecks lacking direction, intellect and awareness - but still she listens to their advice.
  • She assumes she deserves a kind, considerate and preferably rich boyfriend. She doesn't - she has nothing to offer aside from cellulite, neuroses and a well-used vagina. 

She is literally good for fucking, then leaving to drown in tears/to be eaten by alsatians.

Yet, despite all these obvious flaws, people identify with her and love her.

Well here's the news: if you see a bit of Bridget Jones in yourself, you should really try and sort your life out, because you're a fucking loser.