Sunday, 23 October 2011

Adverts that make my shit hang sideways - Part 2

The second award goes to the new Citroen ad - the one with the bald man at the petrol station and the cunt with the pugs.

I'm going to ignore the fact that this an advert for a French car; though the product may be shit, it doesn't necessarily follow that the advert should be.

First, it's trading on computer-animated animals to sell an unrelated product. Tell me who, if they're not completely honest, hasn't had enough of fucking meerkats? The goodwill holiday is over, the ahh-factor has expired. It's not cute anymore.

Second, is the irritating fucker delivering the monologue. His stream of meaningless fuck-witted cunt-banter sets my fucking teeth on edge - if this guy came up to you on the street you'd strike him without hesitation.

I'm sure there are more things that annoy me, but the rugby world cup final's on.
So fuck it.