Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Why the left can go fuck itself

Regular readers of my blog - i.e. No one - will know that I can't stand left wingers, and this morning I saw something that went a long way to reinforce this belief:

Now, I actually find this quite funny - the slogan is pithy and, for a cartoon, the girl is hot enough to bang one out over. It does however make some assumptions that, in addition to being plain wrong, are also exceedingly arrogant.

The first is that there's some massive government conspiracy against the people. (Believe me, there really isn't. If you need further proof, take a look at the people in charge and ask yourself, honestly, if you think they're capable of coordinating a cross-generational international conspiracy.)

Second, that the public - especially right wingers - are either evil or dupes. It's like no-one can look at the arguments and come to the objective conclusion that right is "better" than left. No - if you choose to disagree with the tenets of socialism, you are to be pitied.

The final point I wish to challenge is the assumption that people aren't happy being controlled. Most people want to live their lives in peace and comfort. As long as there's gas in the tank and food in the fridge the rest of the world can go fuck itself - because humans are ultimately selfish, thoughtless beings. Is that wrong? Well that depends very much on your perspective - it's certainly not mine, but then not everyone is the same.

Now, I'm off to spank the monkey over that typist.