So, apparently there's a law in the United States that's got everyone's knickers in a twist. I've only just heard about it, but apparently it's called SOPA - the Stop Online Piracy Act - and is intended to... actually I don't know, because I can't be bothered to Google it.
One chap - who shall remain nameless lest I give him any further publicity - has uploaded a video to youtube in which he claims that the major media corporations are responsible for developing and distributing software that allows file sharing. He may have a point - hell, he might even be 100% correct - but here's the rub: The world is full of ranting conspiracy theorists who believe the US government is attempting to take over the internet - one more, no matter how well his evidence is supported, is going to be taken seriously.
There's also another point. The government doesn't want to take over the internet, for the following reasons:
1. It'd very, very difficult and the government really isn't that bright
2. They really can't be fucking bothered
One more question: At what point did people start becoming so chicken-shit? Here's a hypothetical conversation that probably wouldn't happen these days:
"Hey, you downloaded something illegally so now we will fine you $100m!"
"Oh, no problem - because I have $100m right in my back pocket. Oh no, sorry - it's actually my middle finger. Now fuck off."
When will people realise that laws become moot when everyone breaks them. Take the speed limit - if people wanted to raise the speed limit, all 90% of drivers would have to do is speed until they lost their licence. Suddenly everyone would lose their jobs and the subsequent loss of tax revenue would force a change in the law.
Not that I'm condoning people do that. Nor I'm condoning you don't do it either... Please, just go and think for yourselves based on the evidence in front of you.